Precision Therapy Portable Far Infrared Sauna with Ceramic Heater and Negative Ion - Regular Price

Best Deals Precision Therapy Portable Far Infrared Sauna with Ceramic Heater and Negative Ion - Regular in United Stated

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Product features:
Product Features
Regular Size: 27in wide x 32in deep x 38in high
Low operating cost of approximately $0.05 for 30 minutes use
If you are pregnant, you should not use the sauna belt, sauna dome or sauna. Always consult a doctor prior to using excerise equipment. Read directions carefully and follow closely to avoid injury from extreme heat.
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With no steam and no thermo of the ordinary sauna, you will still sweat all over your body when you use the FIR, even if it is in winter! Dry Heat - Detoxifying - Energizing Beautifying Slimming - A Feeling of Well-Being This unique high quality far infrared (FIR) portable sauna, with exclusive beneficial features, is finally affordable and can be used in the privacy of your home, apartment or any living environment without the need of large spaces & special communications to work it. Its design includes the most desirable features that the expansive and fancy saunas have. With this portable FIR sauna you will have even more conveniences and benefits then with a large wooden sauna. This far infrared sauna applies hi-tech super conductive and ultra thin carbon fiber heating element. The high heat efficiency helps you perspire, activate the build, promote blood circulation, and keep body healthy. 10 minutes of using the sauna corresponds to 30 minutes of jogging for exhaust sweat. With its satisfying design, your head and hands can extend out for reading, watching TV, or listening to music. The Advantage of the FIR Sauna Over A Conventional Sauna A conventional sauna heats the air in the chamber to a very high temperature, which in turn heats our body. A far infrared FIR sauna works differently. Neither oxygen molecules nor nitrogen molecules in the air can block the FIR wave; therefore, the FIR unique wavelength penetrates directly onto our body a couple of inches. It makes us feel quite warm and we perspire profusely, but our skin is not hurt by the hot air. Some heavy metals accumulate under our skin and the FIR sauna is very good for sweating out heavy metal deposits under our skin.
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